ADE Power Spider Logo Data Centres

Bespoke acoustic & modular enclosures for mission-critical data centre emergency standby power generation/distribution equipment

Data Centre Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Healthcare

Bespoke emergency backup electricity solution housings for power-critical hospital applications

Healthcare Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Retail

Quiet & secure acoustic enclosures for critical power systems

Retail Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Infrastructure

Hyperscale power generation & distribution enclosure solutions for all sectors within the infrastructure industry

Infrastructure Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Petrochemical

Safe & secure housings for critical power systems that guarantee the uptime & safety of petrochemical plants

Petrochemical Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Telecoms

Effective enclosures to contain critical equipment that ensures the 24/7/365 uptime of telecoms networks & infrastructure

Telecoms Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Pharmaceutical

Specialist housing of critical power equipment that enables the continuous development, production & distribution of medication

Pharmaceutical Enclosure Solutions 

ADE Power Spider Logo Agriculture

Critical, secure acoustic enclosures for essential standby & remote power solutions for isolated rural operations

Agriculture Enclosure Solutions